The LAP is a joint venture between a group of Scarlians and Notts CC Library service. They provided us with 300 library books (these are refreshed from time to time), 300 redundant library books (these are kept) and “Spinners” to shelve the books. We have had quite a lot of other books donated by villagers – Please no more at the moment we just don’t have room.

We are open on the second Saturday of the month 10.3am – 12pm and our opening days always fall in line with the Air Ambulance Coffee Morning and the Food Bank Donations.  and opening times are displayed on the village notice board and on the website. It is a friendly and flexible service. You can even renew your books by email or telephone.

Read Mo’s Story!  Sadly Mo is no longer with us but her legacy will always live on within our community.

The Village also has a mobile library.  Details are here –